Training Resources for WIA Affiliated Clubs
Syllabus Frameworks - Foundation, Standard, and Advanced
These syllabus frameworks have been developed to help your trainers to deliver all the information required to pass amateur radio knowledge assessments.
The information contained in the current ACMA syllabus for each grade has been rearranged into a more logical and consistent format. Some additional content has been included.
Foundation Grade - Diagrams & Formula sheet
Standard & Advanced Grade - Regulations
Standard & Advanced Grade - Safety
Standard and Advanced Grade - Operating Procedures and Practices
Standard Grade - Diagrams and Formula Sheet colour
Standard Grade - Diagrams and Formula Sheet B&W Simplified
Advanced Grade - Diagrams and Formula Sheet Coming Soon.
EMR Compliance Training
A series of PowerPoint presentations and resources to assist members in understanding and meeting their EMR compliance responsibilities.
Also, the WIA EMR flowchart and a link to the latest version of the RSGB EMR calculator.
Amateur Radio Training Packages and Learning Resources
A collection of well proven training resources and supporting information that your club can use as part of its training programs.
Training Package PDF's kindly provided by Fred Swainston, Trainsafe Australia:
Foundation Licence Training - Part 1
Publicity Materials
Links to well-produced publicity materials about amateur radio.
Coming Soon
WIA Affiliated Club Survey
For us to assist your club in its education role, we want to know a little more about your clubs activities and needs. Your clubs President and Secretary should have received an Email from the WIA asking them to complete a short survey.